about writing reading


Current: Option Volatility & Pricing: Advanced Trading Strategies—S.Natenberg;

2024—Effective Java—J.Bloch; The Repo Handbook—M.Choudhry; What every programmer should know about memory—U.Drepper; Beej's Guide to Network Programming—B.Hall; The Little Book of Semaphores—A.Downey;

2023—On μ-kernel Construction—J.Liedtke; The Agree Predictor—E.Sprangle, et. al; Branch Prediction—D.Luu; The Lost Art of Structure Packing—E.Raymond; Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit—Aleph One;

2022—Memory Barriers: a Hardware View for Software Hackers—P.McKenney; Designing Data-Intensive Applications—M.Kleppman; Bottom-Up Computer Science—I.Wienand; A Tour of C++—B.Stroustrup;

2021—Fluent Python—L.Romalho; Head First Design Patterns—E.Freeman, E.Robson; The C Programming Language—B.Kernighan, D.Ritchie; Thinking Fast and Slow—D.Kahneman; The Art of Statistics—D.Spiegelhalter;

2020—Deep Learning With Python—F.Chollet; Cracking the Coding Interview—G.L.McDowell;

2019—Eloquent Javascript—M.Haverbeke; Python Fundamentals—R.L.Halterman; Code Complete—S.McConnell;